- UNECE, 2024. Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Data-Sharing in Transboundary Basins. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. (Lead author)
- UNECE, 2023: Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters. Geneva Switzerland. (Lead author)
- UNESCO, UN-Water, 2020: United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change. Paris, UNESCO.
- J.G. Timmerman, R.C. Connor, S. Uhlenbrook, W. Buytaert, A. Mishra, S. Zandaryaa, N. Webley, A. Amani and B. Stewart. Introduction. p. 30-37.
- B. Stewart, W. Buytaert, A. Mishra, S. Zandaryaa, R.C. Connor, J.G. Timmerman and S. Uhlenbrook. Prologue. The state of water resources in the context of climate change. p. 11-29.
- V. Smakhtin, D. Perera, M. Qadir, A. Aureli, T. Carvalho-Resende, N. Dhot, A. Findikakis, K.G. Villholth, J.J. Gurdak, S. Zandaryaa, S. Hulsmann, K. Medlicott, R. Connor, J.G. Timmerman. Water availability, infrastructure and ecosystems. p. 46- 57.
- R.C. Connor, J.G. Timmerman, S. Uhlenbrook and E. Koncagül. Water–Climate– Energy–Food–Environment Nexus. p. 118-125.
- R.C. Connor, M. Miletto, J.G. Timmerman, E. Koncagül and N. Uribe Pando. Moving forward. p. 179 – 181
- UN, 2018. Words into Action Guidelines. Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation. Integrating disaster risk management with water management and climate change adaptation. United Nations, New York and Geneva. ISBN: 978-92-1-117177-8. (Lead author)
- MRC, 2018. Mekong Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. Mekong River Commission, Vientiane, Lao PDR. ISBN: 78-9932-412-17-12.
- UN, 2018. Words into Action Guidelines. Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation. Integrating disaster risk management with water management and climate change adaptation. United Nations, New York and Geneva. ISBN: 978-92-1-117177-8.
- MRC, 2017. Overview of Regional Policies for Climate Change and Adaptation in the Lower Mekong Basin. Mekong River Commission, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
- EEA, 2016. Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe 2016 — Transforming cities in a changing climate. Georgi, B., S. Isoard, M. Asquith, C. Garzillo, R.J. Swart, and J.G. Timmerman, EEA Report No 12/2016.
- UNECE, 2015. Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices. ECE/MP.WAT/45. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
- MRC, 2014. International experiences on the formulation and implementation of transboundary climate change adaptation strategies. Mekong River Commission, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Jos Timmerman, Ly Thim and Nguyen Huong Thuy Phan.
- Hare, M., C. van Bers, J. Mysiak, E. Calliari, A. Haque, K. Warner, K. Yuzva, M. Zissener, A.M.J. Jaspers and J.G. Timmerman, 2014. A Best Practices Notebook for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Guidance and Insights for Policy and Practice from the CATALYST Project. Trieste, Italy : TWAS The World Academy of Sciences – for the advancement of science in developing countries, – p. 76.
- Stewart, B., Y. Adikari, V. Aizen, A. Chavoshia, H. Chunhong, P. García, M. Gopalakrishnan, H. Hisdal, A.W. Jayawardena, Z. Kundzewicz, P. Letitre, R. Naiman, J. Olden, R. Pizzaro, E. Plate, C. Revenga, J. Robertson, L. Salamé, K. Sassa, P. Singh, V. Smakhtin, L.M. Tallaksen, J.G. Timmerman, C. De Villeneuve, D. Walling, M. Zalewski and D. Hughes, 2012. Evolving hazards – and emerging opportunities. The United Nations World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World (Two Vols.) pp. 211-225.
- EEA, 2011. Europe’s environment. An Assessment of Assessments. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark. ISBN 978-92-9213-217-0
- Timmerman, J.G. and P. Kristensen, 2011. Chapter 2 Water and related ecosystems. Pages 36 – 91
- WHO, 2010. Guidance on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events. L. Sinisi and R. Aertgeerts (Eds.) WHO/UNECE, Geneva, Switzerland.
- UNECE, 2009. Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. ISBN 9789211170108.
- Krysanova, V., C. Dickens, J.G. Timmerman, C. Varela-Ortega, M. Schlüter, K. Roest, P. Huntjens, F. Jaspers, H. Buiteveld, E. Moreno, R. Koskova, M. Martinkova, I. Blanco, P. Esteve, K. Pringle, C. Sullivan, C. Pahl-Wostl, and P. Kabat, 2009. Cross-comparison of climate change adaptation strategies across regions. Synthesis Product No. 6 of the NeWater project.
- Raadgever, G.T., E. Mostert, N. Kranz, E. Interwies and J.G. Timmerman, 2009. Assessing adaptive management: Development of the framework for assessing transboundary river basin management regimes. Deliverable 1.3.4 of the NeWater project.
- Timmerman, J.G., B. Ottow, M. Lamers, T. Raadgever, G. Francois, S. Möllenkamp, C. Huesmann, H. Buiteveld, and N. Isendahl, 2008. The Role of Participation in IWRM – Final report NeWater case study Rhine. NeWater report D 3.2.7_003.doc.
- UNECE, 2006. Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. ISBN 92-1-116951-8.
- Timmerman, J.G., 2005. Analysis of transboundary regimes. Case study basin Nile. NeWater report.
- Timmerman, J.G. and J. Doze, 2005. Analysis of transboundary regimes. Case study basin Guadiana. NeWater report.
- Kranz, N., E. Interwies, A. Vorwerk, T. Raadgever, J.G. Timmerman, 2005. Adaptive Water Management in Transboundary Contexts – A Common Research Agenda. NeWater report D 1.3.2
- Blind, M., F. Hattermann, J.G. Timmerman and B. Sikorska, 2005. European IWRM – research, outline analysis of projects’ contribution for the purpose of selecting topics for synthesis. NeWater report
- Timmerman, J.G., A. Houben, J.M. van Steenwijk and M. van der Weijden, 2004. Legal obligations for Dutch national water quality monitoring. RIZA werkdocument 2004.131X.
Langaas, S., N. Aliakseyeva, G. Gooch, E. Lopman, S. Nilsson and J.G. Timmerman, 2002. Environmental information in transboundary river basin policy-making and management: Selected European case studies. MANTRA-East Working Paper.
- Timmerman, J.G., K. Kipper, A. Meiner, S. Mol, D. Nieuwenhuis, G. Roll, M. Säre, Ü. Sults, and P. Unt, 2002. The use and valuing of environmental information in the decision making process: an experimental study. Workshop report. RIZA report no. 2002.069X. RIZA, Lelystad, The Netherlands.
- Adriaanse, M., Zs. Buzas, R. Enderlein, Landsberg-Uczciwek, P. Roncak, and J.G. Timmerman, 2000. Guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers. First review of the 1996 Guidelines on Water-quality Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers. ISBN 9036953200.
- Adriaanse, M., J.G. Timmerman, J.J. Ottens, M.C.M. van Oirschot , R.M.A. Breukel, C. Van de Guchte and W.H. Mulder, 1997. Guidelines for water quality monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers. RIZA report nr. 96.034.
- Breukel, R.M.A. & J.G. Timmerman, 1996. Transboundary rivers and international lakes. UN/ECE Task Force on monitoring and assessment. RIZA report nr. 95.064.
- Timmerman, J.G., M.J. Gardner & J.E. Ravenscroft, 1996. Quality assurance. UN/ECE Task Force on monitoring and assessment. RIZA report nr. 95.067.