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- Rozemarijn ter Horst, Veena Srinivasan, Kevin Wheeler, Jos Timmerman and Pieter van der Zaag, 2023. Exploring the use of data and models in transboundary water governance. Water International, 48(8): 909–914
- Timmerman, J.G., F. Bernardini, L. Kauppi, S. Koeppel, J. Matthews, 2023. The Water Convention, a Multilateral Environmental Agreement as Community of Practice. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 26(2):87-95.
- Luu Thi Tang, Erik van Slobbe, Jos Timmerman, Ho Huu Locd, Chau Nguyen Xuan Quang, Tran Duc Dung, 2022. Epistemic community in transboundary river regime: A case study in the Mekong River Commission regarding mainstream hydropower development. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194: 771.
- Timmerman, J.G., S. de Vries, M. Berendsen, R. van Dokkum, C. van de Guchte, N. Vlaanderen, E. Broek and A. van der Horst, 2021. The Information Strategy Model: a framework for developing a monitoring strategy for national policy making and SDG6 reporting. Water International.
- Chuong Van Huynh, Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Ty Huu Pham, Non Quoc Duong, Phuong Thi Tran, Linh Hoang Khanh Nguyen, Tung Gia Pham, Ngoc Bich Nguyen and Jos Timmerman, 2019. Drought and conflicts at the local level: Establishing a water sharing mechanism for the summer-autumn rice production in Central Vietnam. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7(4): 362-375.
- Timmerman, J.G., J. Matthews, S. Koeppel, D. Valensuela, N. Vlaanderen, 2017. Improving governance in transboundary cooperation in water and climate change adaptation. Water policy 19 (2017): 1014–1029.
- Pyka, C., C. Jacobs, R. Breuer, J. Elbers, H. Nacken, H. Sewilam and J.G. Timmerman, 2016. Effects of water diversion and climate change on the Rur and Meuse in low-flow situations. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(16): 1-15.
- Timmerman, J.G., E. Beinat, C.J.A.M. Termeer and W.P. Cofino, 2011. Developing transboundary river basin monitoring programmes using the DPSIR indicator framework. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13 (10): 2808-2818.
- Krysanova, V., Ch. Dickens, J.G. Timmerman, C. Varela-Ortega, M. Schlüter, K. Roest, P. Huntjens, F. Jaspers, H. Buiteveld, E. Moreno, J. de Pedraza Carrera, R. Slámová, M. Martínková, I. Blanco, P. Esteve, K. Pringle, C. Pahl-Wostl and P. Kabat, 2010. Cross-Comparison of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Across Large River Basins in Europe, Africa and Asia. Water Resources Management 24: 4121–4160
- Timmerman, J.G., E. Beinat, C.J.A.M. Termeer and W.P. Cofino, 2010. Specifying information needs for Dutch national policy evaluation. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12: 1907–1917.
- Timmerman, J.G., E. Beinat, C.J.A.M. Termeer, and W.P. Cofino, 2010. A methodology to bridge the water information gap. Water Science and Technology 62(10): 2419-2426.
- Timmerman, J.G., E. Beinat, C.J.A.M. Termeer and W.P. Cofino, 2010. Analysing the data-rich-but-information-poor syndrome in Dutch water management in historical perspective. Environmental Management 45(5): 1231-1242.
- Raadgever, G.T., E. Mostert, N. Kranz, E. Interwies, and J.G. Timmerman, 2008. Assessing management regimes in transboundary river basins: do they support adaptive management? Ecology and Society 13(1): 14.
- Timmerman, J.G. and S. Langaas, 2005. Water information: what is it good for. On the use of information in transboundary water management. Regional Environmental Change 5(4): 177-187.
- Timmerman, J.G., J. De Boer, M. Hisschemöller and W.H. Mulder, 2001. Specifying information needs: improving the working methodology. Regional Environmental Change 2(2): 77-84.
- Timmerman, J.G., J.J. Ottens and R.C. Ward, 2000. The information cycle as a framework for defining information goals for water quality monitoring. Environmental management 25 (3): 229 -239.