Vlaanderen, N., C. van de Guchte, J. Timmerman, C. Zevenbergen. 2016. Water and Delta Cities: Accelerating Urban Resilience. The Hague, NL Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, policy document for the High-level Expert and Leaders Platform on Water and Disasters, as input to HABITAT III.
Timmerman, J.G. ; Bacciu, Valentina ; Coninx, I. ; F. Jaspers ; Gregor, M. ; Havranek, Miroslav ; Jacobs, C.M.J. ; Loehnertz, M. ; Peltonen, L. ; Sainz, M. ; Swart, R.J., 2015. Map book urban vulnerability to climate change. Copenhagen : European Environment Agency, – 90 p.
Timmerman, J.G., W.P. Cofino, R.E. Enderlein, W. Jülich, P.L. Literathy, J.M. Martin, Ph. Ross, N. Thyssen, R.K. Turner, and R.C. Ward (eds.), 2001. Proceedings of the international workshop Monitoring Tailor-Made III, Nunspeet, The Netherlands.
Timmerman, J.G., 2001. Information needs: linking water quality information to water management. Pages 41 – 43 in Abstract volume of the 11th Stockholm Water Symposium “building bridges through dialogue”. SIWI, Stockholm, Sweden
Timmerman, J.G., M. Adriaanse and R.M.A. Breukel, 2000. Making monitoring tailor-made in Europe. Pages 267 -273 in Proceedings NWQMC National Monitoring Conference 2000 ‘Monitoring for the Millennium’, April 25 -27, Hyatt Regency, Austin, Texas.
Timmerman, J.G. and J.H.M. Schobben, 2000. Information needs for Dutch national policy evaluation. Pages 509 -514 in Proceedings NWQMC National Monitoring Conference 2000 ‘Monitoring for the Millennium’, April 25 -27, Hyatt Regency, Austin, Texas.
Ottens, J.J., J.G. Timmerman, B. Van der Grift and T. Sprenger, 1998. Prospects for the use of indicators in water management. In M. Landsberg-Uczciwek, M. Adriaanse, R. Enderlein (eds.) Proceedings of the international conference Management of Transboundary Waters in Europe, Mrzezyno, Poland. p. 311 -323.
De Jong, J. and J.G. Timmerman. 1997. Opening and introduction. Pages 1 -4
Ottens, J.J., J.G. Timmerman, A. Sucur, R.M.A. Breukel and M. Adriaanse, 1998. The monitoring cycle -defining information goals in water monitoring. Pages 174 -178 in: Proceedings of: Bridging the gap; New needs and perspectives for environmental information, 3-5 June 1998, Holiday inn, Nelson dock, London, UK
Timmerman, J.G., 1998. Information needs as the basis for monitoring. Paper presented at the third International Congress “Water: Ecology and Technology” ECWATECH-98, May 25-30 1998, Moscow, Russian Federation. p. 378
Timmerman, J.G. and C. Van de Guchte, 1998. Monitoring programmes and chemical risk assessment. Paper presented at OECD workshop on improving the use of monitoring data in the exposure assessment of industrial chemicals, Berlin, Germany, 13 -15 May 1998.
Timmerman, J.G., J.J. Ottens and J. Hendriksma, 1997. Conditions for improvement of river assessment. Basin-programme -target approach to the sustainable water management, International scientific-practical seminar, Tumen 29 Sept. -5 Oct. 1997, Russian Federation.