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- de Vries, S., M. Berendsen, E. Broek, A. van der Horst, J.G. Timmerman, R. van Dokkum, 2020. The numbers tell the tale. In search of meaningful data for national water management implementation. Water Governance 01/2020.
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- Timmerman, J.G., C. Jacobs, C. Pyka, and H. Nacken, 2017. Risk of climate change and water diversion for the ecology of the Meuse. Water Matters edition 1
- Timmerman, J.G., C. Pahl-Wostl and J. Möltgen, 2008. Can IWRM cope with future challenges? Water21, April 2008.
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- Timmerman, J.G., W.P. Cofino, R.K. Turner, 2001. (Editorial) Introduction to Monitoring Tailor-Made III. Special issue. Regional Environmental Change 2(2):55-56.
- Timmerman, J.G. and W.H. Mulder, 1999. Information needs as the basis for monitoring. European Water Management 2 (2): 41 -45.
- Timmerman, J.G., M. Adriaanse, R.M.A. Breukel, M.C.M. van Oirschot and J.J. Ottens, 1997. Guidelines for water quality monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers. European Water Pollution Control 7 (5): 21 -30.